Otus I. T. Ltd
Training & Consultancy
Greener Training Like many companies these days, we at Otus IT are trying to reduce our carbon footprint, work greener and protect the environment. As we are a small company our carbon footprint is already very small. However, providing training can have a heavy environmental cost. It always involves travel. There are usually course materials which are invariably supplied in printed format. If your company is concerned about the environment we can work with you to reduce the environmental impact of your training. As far as our own energy usage goes, you can be assured that we make every attempt to reduce our carbon footprint. For example, no computer equipment is left turned on in our offices unnecessarily, and in particular all non-essential equipment is turned off completely overnight. Computer equipment with power saving features are chosen & used in preference to those which do not have such features. As far as possible travel is carried out by public transport and car usage is kept to a minimum. When car travel is necessary, a smaller greener car is always used in preference to larger models. To avoid landfill we recycle as much waste as possible including paper, card, plastics & metals. The ratio of recycled waste to landfill waste is very good with an estimated 10 times more waste recycled than landfill. As far as our service to you is concerned, upon request all our course manuals can be supplied printed on recycled paper. There is obviously a higher cost to this as recycled paper costs around 25% more than the equivalent non-recycled paper. However, Otus IT will absorb the costs of this for the time being. To take advantage of this offer please request recycled paper no later than 10 working days before the delivery of the course otherwise this cannot be guaranteed. We are working towards making recycled paper the default sometime in the near future. Better still, why not request the course materials in electronic form? Course notes can be supplied on CD or in some cases on USB Flash memory sticks in PDF document format upon request. Again, the cost of the memory sticks is far higher than paper documents, but the cost will be met by Otus IT Ltd for the time being. Also, upon request, we will calculate the carbon cost of any training course and use a UK government recognised offsetting company to offset the carbon cost of your course. Once again, and for a limited time, the cost of this offsetting will be met by Otus IT Ltd. To enquire about any of these offers please use the Contact Us link to the left and get in touch with us to ask for more information. This page last modified on Friday, May 09, 2008 |